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Cherry Hill Soccer Club (CHSC)

Tournament Rules

CHSC Kick or Treat

Halloween Soccer Tournament

Rules of Competition 


The tournament is open to presently registered USYSA or US Club affiliated travel teams ages U8 to U12. All teams must be currently registered with their state association or US Club and all players and guest players on each team must have passes from the same affiliated association.  

Guest players must be the same age (year of birth) or younger than the team on which they are participating. There is a limit of 3 guest players per team. 

All teams will determine their ages per the USSF/USYSA age guidelines. The ages will be determined by player birth year.   

All players must have Medical Release Forms.

Out-of-State teams must have approved permission to travel forms if required by your state.

A player may only participate on one team during this tournament and may not switch to another team during the tournament. If a player is found to have played on multiple teams during this tournament, both teams on which they played will forfeit their games and be removed from the tournament.  

Roster Sizes:
U8 – U10 is limited to a maximum of fourteen (14) players including a maximum of three (3) guest players.
U11 – U12 is limited to a maximum of sixteen (16) players including a maximum of three (3) guest players.
Only those players listed on the roster submitted to the Tournament are eligible to participate. In the event that an ineligible player participates in the match, the team will forfeit that match, regardless of the outcome.

Flight Selection: Every attempt will be made to place teams in appropriate age group and competitive flight.  Final team bracketing will be determined by the number of entries in each age group. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to combine age groups into divisional play should it become necessary.

2.    Initial Registration

Initial tournament registration shall be through GotSoccer.  Payment is due upon registration unless prior arrangement is made with CHSC.  No teams will be accepted in the tournament until full payment is received by CHSC.

CHSC reserves the right to decline admission into the tournament for any reason.  If admission is declined, a full refund will be provided.


3. Laws of the Game

All matches will be played in accordance with the F.I.F.A. Laws of the Game unless otherwise indicated in these instructions. Rules and/or interpretations are provided by the tournament director or site director.  All director decisions are final.  The following items will further interpret these rules for purposes of this tournament and/or will provide an administrative framework for the operation of the tournament.

The tournament will use only USSF registered officials for all tournament games using a one-referee system.  Each team is required to provide an appropriate volunteer to serve as a linesman for each game.

Team Field Position

Coaches are required to bring player passes and medical release forms to every game. 

Each team’s players and coaches will be located along the same touchline (separated by the halfway line). All players’ passes are verified at team registration and should be available at the field for inspection upon request. Only the coach, assistant coach(es) (with coaches pass), may remain on the side of the field with the players. Spectators are to sit on the opposite side of the field behind the spectator line. 

All players and coaches should remain near the player bench area while on the sidelines.  No spectators are permitted in the areas directly behind the end lines. Coaches and/or other officials, players and spectators may not enter the field of play at any time unless requested to do so by the referee. Only players and coaches will be permitted in the bench area. 

Player Uniforms and Equipment

A player’s uniform will consist of shirt, shorts, socks, shin guards, and appropriate footwear.  Halloween costumes may be worn ONLY if the team members wear the same costume and the costume is deemed to be safe in the discretion of the referee.  No appeals of the referee’s decision in that regard shall be permitted.

Team uniform must have a number on the back of the shirt or on the shorts. If team costumes are worn, the costume must have a number on the back of the shirt, on the shorts or the players must wear their team jersey under the costume.  All players on the team must do the same, wear a number on uniform or costume, or wear their team jersey under the costume.   Each player shall have a different number and this number must be the same as listed on the official tournament roster.  In the event of a color conflict, the home team will change color. The home team is the first team listed on the schedule.

Goalkeepers shall wear colors which distinguish them from the other players on both teams and from the referee. 

Players must wear shin guards with socks pulled over the shin guards.

The referee shall have final authority over decisions related to uniforms and equipment. 

Player, Coach and/or Spectator Behavior

All players, coaches and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the spirit as well as the letter of the Laws of the Game. Referees have been specifically instructed to run the matches according to this spirit and will act accordingly. DISSENT FROM PLAYERS, COACHES AND/OR SPECTATORS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED; CAUTIONS AND/OR DISMISSALS WILL RESULT. Players are encouraged to play all matches with intensity and desire. However, UNNECESSARY PHYSICAL PLAY, PARTICULARLY THAT WITH INTENT TO INJURE, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED; CAUTIONS AND/OR DISMISSALS WILL RESULT. Coaches are responsible for the actions of the team’s players and spectators as well as their own actions.

Players, coaches, and/or spectators DISMISSED FOR FIGHTING will be banned from further tournament participation. Teams will be held responsible for adhering to this rule. Any team playing a dismissed player in violation of this rule will be disqualified from the tournament and all matches played by the team will be ruled to have been a forfeit.


Any player, coach, and/or spectator that is cautioned (yellow carded) twice during any given game will be ineligible to participate in the remainder of that match and may not participate in the next match.

If any player, coach, and/or spectator is sent off the field of play (dismissed/red carded) by a referee for any reason, that player, coach, and/or spectator is ineligible to participate in the remainder of that match and is not eligible to participate in the next match and possibly the rest of the tournament. The player, coach or spectator must leave the field of play. Referees are instructed to record the player’s name, number, team and reason for the caution or send-off and present the information to the tournament director. All cards issued will be reported to the appropriate state association. Any disciplinary measures imposed by the tournament staff shall be limited to placing restrictions upon an individual’s group participation in the tournament.
Any team receiving a red card for any coach, player or coach for spectator behavior will have a one point deduction in the standings for each red card issued to the team.

Pre-Game Activity

Teams must arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of the scheduled match.  Coaches must have all player passes with them at every game.  Referees will not check teams in, but passes will be needed in case of inquiry, challenge or send offs issued.  The team listed as the away team will choose which goal to defend to start the game and the home team kicks off.   Teams may warm up in practice areas away from playing fields. There will be no warm up on the field between games.

Start of Play

Regardless of weather conditions, players and coaches must be on the field at the scheduled playing time, ready to play. Forfeits will be awarded if play has not started within five (5) minutes of starting time as determined by the referee; a minimum of 7 players for 11v11 games, 6 players for 9v9 games and 5 players for 7v7 games, must be prepared to play before a team will be allowed to start a match. A forfeited match will be recorded as a 4-0 score. The tournament director may modify a scheduled start time for any match or reduce scheduled match length prior to the start of the match; all such matches will be considered to be official.

Duration of Play

For U9 thru U12 games, Fifty (50) minutes of playing time divided into two (2) twenty-five (25) minute halves with a five (5) minute halftime.  
For U8 games, Forty (40) minutes of playing time divided into two (2) twenty (20) minute halves with a five (5) minute halftime.

For brackets with a championship game, if the score is tied at the end of regulation of the championship game, the winner will be determined by FIFA Rules Penalty Kicks. All other games may end in ties and declared a draw as the official result.

Official match time will be kept on the field by the referee. Match time will be kept on a running clock, and there will be no stoppage of time unless an injured player is assisted from the field by medical personnel and only at the discretion of the referee.


There shall be unlimited substitutions with the permission of the referee at the following times:

1. Any stoppage of play.

2. In case of an injury, substitution for the injured player is permitted but not required.  If the injured player's coach is beckoned on to the field, the injured player must be substituted with the exception of the goalkeeper.  Unlimited substitutions for both teams permitted. 

3. If a player receives a dismissal (red card), that player must leave the field of play. Their team may not substitute for them at any time during that match. If the match goes into overtime the team will play down the number of players who are out with red cards. The team may field a full team in its next scheduled match.

4. The referee reserves the right to decline any substitution if they deem this action as time wasting or unsportsmanlike behavior from the said team.

All substitutions must enter the playing field from the halfway line with the permission of the referee. The referee may disallow a request for substitution if, in the referee’s judgment, that request is intended to delay the play of the game.

Limited substitutions are permitted as follows:
(a) Yellow carded player(s) are NOT required to come off the field but may be substituted at that time by the coach.
(b) When a player is sent off the field by the referee with a red card, the referee shall allow no substitution for the sent off player.  If a goalkeeper is sent off, the goalkeeper must be replaced by a field player or with a substitute and another field player removed so that the team is playing short by the number of players sent off.

11.  Mercy Rule

Under no circumstances should the goal differential become 7 or more goals. In order to minimize unsportsmanship like behavior, in games where a team allows the goal differential to become 7 or more goals at some point during the first half of play, for example, 7-0, 8-1, 9-2, etc., the game will be allowed to continue to first allow the coaches an opportunity to remedy the situation. If the second half starts with the goal differential being 7 or more goals, or if at any time during the second half of play the goal differential reaches 7 or more goals, the referee will immediately signal the end of the game and leave the field.  If there is greater than a six goal differential, the team with the greater score will have one (1) point deducted for EACH goal in excess of the six goal differential. (For example: a team winning by a score of 8-1 will only receive 2 game points as opposed to earning 3 points for the win).


At the end of each divisional game, teams will be awarded points for the following:

1. Win = 3 points

2. Tie = 1 point

3. Loss = 0 points
4. Shutout = 1 point.  (no shutout point is awarded for a 0-0 tie or forfeit win).
5. Mercy rule violation =  1 point deduction for each goal over the 6 goal differential.
6. Conduction violation =  1 point deduction for each red card issued (2 yellow cards to same player/coach is considered a red card for conduct violation). 

For all divisions, the team with the most points after all division games have been played will be the winner of that division. 

If the division consists of four teams, the team receiving the most points will be the tournament champion for that division.

For brackets that include championship games, the team with the most points after the division round in each division will proceed to the championship game.

 Tie Breakers

A.         If two teams are tied on points, the following tie breakers will be used.

If only two teams are tied:

1.         Winner of head-to-head play.

2.         If still tied, highest goal differential (maximum of 4 per game)

3.         If still tied, fewest goals allowed

4.         If still tied, most shutouts wins.
5.         If still tied, most wins.

5.         If still tied, fewest red cards issued against the team during divisional play.

6.         If still tied, fewest yellow cards issued against the team during divisional play.

7.         If still tied, in a four-team bracket, both teams will be declared co-champions

8.         If still tied in a division that includes a championship game, FIFA penalty kicks will be held to determine which team proceeds to the championship game.  The best
            of five penalty kicks taken alternately by each team will determine the winner. If the penalty kick score is tied at the end of five kicks, teams will continue to take 
            penalty kicks, alternately, until there is a winner. 11 players from each team will participate if needed.

         If three or more teams are tied on points, the following tie breakers will be used.  If at any point, the use of tie-breaker leaves only two teams remaining, the two-team tie-breaker system under section A will then be used for the two remaining teams.

1.         Highest goal differential (maximum of 4 per game)

2.         If three of more teams are still tied, fewest goals allowed

3.         If three of more teams are still tied, most shutout wins.
4.         If three of more teams are still tied, most wins.

5.         If three of more teams are still tied, fewest red cards issued against the team during divisional play.

6.         If three of more teams are still tied, fewest yellow cards issued against the team during divisional play.

7.         If three of more teams are still tied in a four-team bracket, all remaining teams will be declared co-champions.

8.         If three of more teams are still tied in a division that includes a championship game,  The remaining teams will participate in a three-way coin flip.  All teams have
            one representative flip a coin at the same time. The winning team is the one whose coin differentiates itself from the others. For example, if the result of the three
             flipped coins is heads-heads-tails, the team that flipped tails wins.  If no winner is determined, re-flip the coins.

14.  Awards
U9 – U12 brackets:  If four teams in each bracket, 1st place trophies and 2nd place medals will be awarded to the top two teams in each bracket's final standings based on total points and tie-breakers  If six or more team brackets with a championship game, champions awarded 1st place trophy and finalist awarded a medal.
U8 team players will receive a participation gift. 


We will work with teams the best we can to work around scheduling conflicts, however, we cannot guarantee specific game times.  Divisions and schedules will be distributed in advance of the start of the tournament. 

16.    No Protests

NO PROTESTS will be entertained concerning the interpretation of the Laws of the Game by a referee. The site director’s interpretation of the foregoing rules and regulations shall be final. The site director reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the tournament.  

17.    Cancellation Policy 

Weather Cancellation

If the tournament is canceled in its entirety because of weather conditions, the tournament will provide a credit of 85% of the tournament registration fee toward next year’s tournament registration or 80% in cash.

If a game is suspended because of weather problems, field conditions, or other situations beyond the tournament’s control, once the game has started this shall be considered official. If a game is temporarily suspended for any of the foregoing reasons before completion, each team involved must check with tournament headquarters for instructions. For long delays that exceed game times the tournament committee reserves the right to cancel or forgo any games that are effected by delays. All decisions by the tournament committee are final.

18.    Refund When Withdrawing Team

If a team withdraws after registration/applying:

  • 1 month before the tournament = The team will receive 50% amount refunded
  • 3 weeks before the tournament = The team will receive 25% amount refunded
  • Within 3 weeks before the tournament = The team will receive zero amount refunded

19.  Score Reporting

A tournament staff field marshal will be stationed at each field.  The Referee will collect the game card before scheduled games and will then fill out a game report for each game played. The Referee will record all game related information such as goals scored, cautions, and dismissals. At the conclusion of each match (final whistle), the field marshal will enter the field and collect the game card from the Referee/assistant Referee. The field marshal will have each coach sign the game card. BOTH COACHES MUST SIGN GAME CARDS AFTER EACH GAME.  The field marshal then relays the match results to the tournament headquarters. The field marshal may be available to answer questions however NOT pertaining to match situations. If there is a question on the score of a match, only the coach can contact the Site Director. The Site Director will take whatever action may be necessary to verify the score.

20.  Disclaimer

The tournament director, members of the tournament committee, the host soccer club, its members and board of directors, any participating associations, colleges, advertisers, school districts and recreation departments, and related municipalities will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team, player, or spectator nor will they be held liable for any injury of any player, coach, or spectator that may result from the participation in, or travel to and from the tournament.  Each team will be responsible for its own medical and liability insurance.

The tournament director or site director reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the conduct and administration of the tournament and their judgment shall be deemed as final.


  • Parking is permitted in designated parking areas only.

  • Smoking is prohibited on all Cherry Hill Township public property and school grounds.

  • Dogs or pets of any kind are not permitted at any of the tournament fields.

  • Cooking grills are not permitted

  • Pursuant to NJYS regulations, the operation of golf carts or other motorized conveyance at the tournament is restricted to holders of a valid auto driver’s license.

  • At the discretion of the tournament director, teams may be asked to play up one age group if required to form competitive brackets. Teams may NOT play down an age group.

  • It is the responsibility of the team coaches and managers to thoroughly read and fully understand these rules and regulations prior to the tournament.

THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING & Enjoy your tournament experience!

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